Ensure Your Witness Statements Help Your Social Security Claim

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Ensure Your Witness Statements Help Your Social Security Claim

15 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to a social security case, medical evidence is often viewed as the most important factor. Although there is a great deal of truth to this concept, medical evidence alone is not always the primary component of a successful claim. Testimony from a witness is equally important, but it can also be damaging. If you are disabled and you are considering the idea of filing a claim, learn more about ensuring your witness statements help more than they hurt.

Real-Life Account

Choose a witness that has a real-life account of your day-to-day struggles. For example, a friend that lives a couple of hundred miles away that you only see every couple of months would not be able to provide as vivid a depiction of your daily struggles as someone who you see every day, such as a family member. You want someone who can paint a picture of the daily impact your disability has on your life. 

Prepare, but do Not Rehearse

It is wise to ensure your witnesses are prepared, but it is a mistake if you rehearse your witnesses. You always want to ensure that what your witness states is factual and in their own words. The only way you can ensure these goals is to let the witness speak for themselves. You can let your witness know some of the important points you want to bring up in your hearing, but you should let the individual do the rest. 


Ensure the witness is someone who is credible. Although a witness in a social security disability hearing will not be held to the same level of scrutiny as a witness in a criminal proceeding, credibility is still important. For example, if the witness is a healthcare worker, it is essential that they be licensed and certified within their area for their testimony to be considered credible.

Professional Advice

The best way to avoid the mistakes that can come along with presenting a witness statement as part of your social security claim is to rely on professional advice in the form of an attorney. An attorney will help you select a witness, work to prepare the witness, and ensure that everything the witness states can be backed up with evidence to help strengthen your disability claim. 

It is important to keep in mind that every claim is different, and as a result, what works for one person may not work for the other, and vice versa. It is always best to consult an attorney to learn more about witness statements and your claim. Schedule an appointment with a social security attorney to learn more.