How To Prepare For Divorce After Domestic Abuse

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How To Prepare For Divorce After Domestic Abuse

1 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you seek a divorce for domestic violence, the process can be difficult. Domestic violence is abuse in the form of physical harm, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, stalking, and the like. After you have made the choice to divorce a violent person, you need to be careful and protect yourself. The following are some things you should do, when dealing with a domestic abuse divorce:

Seek a Safe Place

The first thing you have to do is make sure you are in a safe place for you and your children if applicable. This is not the time to pack your home and all your belongings. You can always come back, with police assistance, to gather your things. At this time, a violent person will likely be angry and could lash out at you, if he or she is at the home.

If you have any friends or family who will allow you to stay temporarily, consider taking them up on the accommodations, until you can find a place for yourself. If you cannot afford a home for yourself, ask your attorney for some resources for low-income housing options or other short-term facilities where you can stay, until you decide what to do.

Get a Restraining Order

If you have concerns your spouse could harm you, you may want to get a temporary restraining order. When the order is granted, you have protection from your spouse, until you can take the time to file a permanent restraining order if necessary. If your spouse violates either order, he or she can go to jail.

Pursue Criminal Charges

As you file for divorce, you may want to file criminal charges as well. An abusive spouse can be charged with a variety of crimes, including harassment, assault, rape, and so on. Once you file charges, you formalize the crimes. This will help your case, during your divorce.

Prepare Yourself for the Divorce

After living with an abusive spouse for a long time, it can be hard to be in the same room again. You have to get yourself emotionally and mentally prepared to go through this process, in which some hard things will be said. If you have to speak during the divorce, you should also prepare to be brave and say what needs to be said. This is the time where you will rely strongly on your attorney. He or she can do most of the speaking for you, particularly if you are traumatized after years of abuse.

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