Can You Ask For More Child Support?

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Nothing is more intimidating than a courtroom governed by a judge. In addition to dealing with your fear of public speaking and scary-looking court police officers, you might also be worried about winning your case. Fortunately, you don't have to go into any legal situation by yourself. By working with an attorney, you can learn more about the legal process without sacrificing your own sanity. Because I want you to know what to say and do in court, I think you should read through my blog. This information can help you to know what to expect, so that you can take this new experience in stride.

Can You Ask For More Child Support?

28 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have sole custody of your child and the child's other parent is making child support payments to you, then you probably rely on that money to do things like buy clothing for your child, send them to school, and purchase groceries. What if the money coming in just is not enough? You've been working and looking for higher-paying jobs. You've been trying to make the money stretch, but it's just not working. Can you ask for more child support? Well, that depends on a few factors.

Has the other parent's income increased since your child support arrangements were made?

In many cases, the other parent is not automatically required to pay you more child support if their income increases. However, if you find out or suspect that their income has increased, you can take them back to court and request more child support. The court will usually rule that yes, they should pay more child support, since their income is now higher and the child is entitled to a percentage of that income. 

On the other hand, if the other parent's income has not changed since your last court date, the judge is unlikely to require additional child support be paid. The amount of child support is typically determined based on the paying parent's income, and if that income is the same now as it was then, the amount of child support the court believes you are due won't typically change.

Did your income substantially decrease?

If your income substantially decreased, then you might be due an increase in child support — but only under very specific circumstances. If the decrease in income was because you took a lower-paying job, decided to work fewer hours, or willingly took a pay cut, the court is unlikely to approve your request for more support. On the other hand, if the company you worked for closed or laid off a lot of people, the court may reward you additional child support — but usually only temporarily until you find a new position. You may be required to show that you are actively applying to jobs and looking for new work. And once you find a new job, the child support will be decreased again.

If you're being paid child support but are still having trouble covering all of your child's expenses, you might be able to ask for more support. However, in a lot of cases, your best bet is to look for a more lucrative job or take on a side gig to make ends meet.

If you're being paid child support but are still having trouble covering all of your child's expenses, you might be able to ask for more support.