Social Security Disability Claim Denied? Appeals Hearing Basics

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Social Security Disability Claim Denied? Appeals Hearing Basics

10 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Applying for Social Security Disability is a complex process and one that isn't guaranteed to be successful. The good news is that there is an appeals process for those who are denied a claim. If you file an appeal, you will typically have to attend an appeals hearing. Since the process can be somewhat intimidating, it's important to know what you can expect along the way. Here are a few tips to help you navigate your appeals hearing.

Preparation Is Essential

An appeals hearing won't be a long one. These hearings typically last a half-hour or less. That isn't much time for you to make your case. As a result, it is important that you are as prepared as possible before you go into that meeting.

Your Social Security disability attorney will work with you to assess the reason for your claim's denial and help you to build a rebuttal that will be as effective as possible. It must be as concise as it is persuasive, so working with an attorney is vital.

You Will Have To Speak

Your appeals hearing will happen in front of a judge who must make the decision, so you will be expected to testify. Remember that any questions you answer will be done under oath. That means that you must answer every question honestly. Make sure that you have all of your facts straight before the hearing, and don't be afraid to say that you don't remember a detail if it is questioned. It is better to say honestly that you are not sure or don't remember than to try to come up with an answer that may not be accurate.

Expert Witnesses Are Important

In addition to your own statements, your attorney may retain the services of a few types of experts to testify in your appeal hearing. Medical experts, vocational experts, and other such professionals can help to strengthen your case.

Your attorney, however, isn't the only one who will likely employ expert testimony. The Social Security Administration will often call experts in to speak on their behalf as well. Their experts will be called to support their claim that your request should be denied.

Understanding the process for your appeals hearing can help eliminate the fear of the unknown. This allows you to go into your hearing with some confidence and certainty that you are at least doing all that you can to get your claim approved. For more information, contact a social security attorney