Making A Grand Gesture: Understanding Grandparent Rights

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Nothing is more intimidating than a courtroom governed by a judge. In addition to dealing with your fear of public speaking and scary-looking court police officers, you might also be worried about winning your case. Fortunately, you don't have to go into any legal situation by yourself. By working with an attorney, you can learn more about the legal process without sacrificing your own sanity. Because I want you to know what to say and do in court, I think you should read through my blog. This information can help you to know what to expect, so that you can take this new experience in stride.

Making A Grand Gesture: Understanding Grandparent Rights

11 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

There's a special bond between a grandparent and a grandchild that is unique in its scope and in its unconditional love and affection. When the health and well-being of that grandchild are threatened, it can be heartbreaking, particularly when the issue is related to the parents and their inability to provide a safe home environment for that child. In the past, grandparents were forced to stand by helplessly when problems arose with the parenting of their grandchild, but now those same close relatives enjoy more rights than ever before. Read on to learn more about how to assert your grandparent rights when your grandchild is in need of more help and support:

Do you need to seek custody?

No grandparent ever imagines that they will one day be considering taking over custody of their grandchild, but in some cases, it may become foremost in your thoughts. When the other choices are few and you want to make sure that your grandchild gets the best of care, you may need to take legal action to get custody. Consider, for example, the following situations:

  • The single parent has passed away and the surviving parent is not available or is unfit to parent.
  • One or more parents are incarcerated or are unfit.
  • One or more parents have been convicted of child abuse or neglect.
  • One or more parents are involved in substance abuse.
  • One or more parents are physically or mentally incapacitated and unable to care for the child.

These situations happen more frequently than you might imagine, and if you have reason to doubt that your grandchild is getting proper care you may need to speak to a custody lawyer.

The best interest of the child

It's important to place the focus not on the wrong-doing of the parent or parents, but on the way it affects your grandchild. Children are unable to fend for themselves adequately, and that is why the family court system places such a big burden upon itself to place the best interest of the minor child above all else. That could mean placing an endangered child with the fittest adult, regardless of who that might be. With this in mind, take a moment to put yourself in the place of the judge and ask yourself who is the fittest to parent your grandchild.

Changes in custody

Family court judges take a change in custody very seriously since it will inevitably disrupt the child's routine and sense of security. Take care that you can show proof of your allegations, such as with police reports or medical records.

Speak to a family law attorney for more information.