Watch A Lot Of Crime Shows? Don't Let These Television Tropes Worsen Your Legal Troubles

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Watch A Lot Of Crime Shows? Don't Let These Television Tropes Worsen Your Legal Troubles

9 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Crime shows can be a thrilling way to spend your television time. Watching police chase the bad guys and watching detectives solve a case can be exciting. Because these shows seem to be rooted in real life, it's easy to think that everything the actors are doing is "by the book"—after all, the shows typically will employ a number of legal consultants that provide guidance on what happens in their line of work. However, that doesn't mean that everything that takes place on a particular show is going to work in reality. If you engage in illegal behavior, don't count on the following TV tropes to save you.

Getting Rid of Firearms or Illegal Substances Gets You Out of An Arrest

One of the most common things that happens in all kinds of dramatic shows is a scene where people get rid of guns, drugs and other illegal substances. Somehow, a criminal is always tipped off by a friend, noise outside or another entity and there is a mad dash to hide firearms or flush drugs in the toilet. After all, the thinking goes, if the cops enter and see no sign of illegal activity, there is no way for an arrest to be made.

While this makes for exciting television, doing things like this would not get you out of trouble in reality. Any police officer showing up at your doorstep is in possession of a search warrant and can make reasonable assumptions about the activities going on inside the house. As a result, an arrest is still a possibility, particularly if police on the scene smell anything or witness suspicious behavior.

If You Aren't Read Your Rights, You Have to Be Released

Another common occurrence on these shows is that a criminal is able to get released based on a technicality; no one told them about their Miranda rights. That is a mistake to believe in real life. If a police officer fails to tell you about your rights, that doesn't mean that you will be released. What will usually happen is that your lawyer will make an attempt to have your remarks stricken from the court record, but if the police have cause to hold you because of serious evidence against you, you will not be let go.

Television can be fun to watch but shouldn't always be believed, even if it seems rooted in reality. Should you ever find yourself on the wrong side of the law, enlist the assistance of a reputable criminal defense attorney who can give you facts and guidance.