Dealing With Domestic Violence

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Nothing is more intimidating than a courtroom governed by a judge. In addition to dealing with your fear of public speaking and scary-looking court police officers, you might also be worried about winning your case. Fortunately, you don't have to go into any legal situation by yourself. By working with an attorney, you can learn more about the legal process without sacrificing your own sanity. Because I want you to know what to say and do in court, I think you should read through my blog. This information can help you to know what to expect, so that you can take this new experience in stride.

Dealing With Domestic Violence

19 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Domestic violence isn't a topic that's easily talked about, because it's common for victims to feel ashamed, afraid, and alone. However, if you're the victim of domestic violence, it's important that you know that you aren't alone. The fact is, one in three women and one in four men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Domestic violence is too common. If you're a victim, you need to learn how to deal with a domestic violence situation so that you can try to overcome the issue and begin to heal from the experience.

Call the Police

Calling the police when you feel threatened or have been physically harmed may seem like common sense; however, it's often hard for people dealing with domestic violence to make that call. Not only are domestic violence victims afraid of their abuser, they are often afraid of what will happen if the police are contacted and the abuser isn't taken to jail or is released from custody quickly. However, it's important to contact the police when threats begin or if you're harmed so that you have record of what has occurred.

Talk to a Domestic Violence Attorney

A domestic violence attorney is a lawyer that specializes in domestic violence law. Because domestic violence attorneys are familiar with all parts of domestic violence law, they can help you construct a safe and legal way to escape your abuser. Some things to discuss with your attorney include:

  • Obtaining a restraining order
  • How to leave your abuser and legally take your children with you
  • Divorce and child custody concerns

Domestic violence attorneys can also be helpful to people who intend to remain with their partner after the abuse occurs. If you want to continue the relationship, a domestic violence attorney can defend the accused in court, as well as help you and your abuser obtain the proper type of counseling needed to cope with the aftermath of a violent situation. This may include anger management courses, as well as relationship and behavioral counseling.

Get the Support You Need

Regardless of whether or not you decide to continue your relationship, outside support is imperative to the healing process. Consider talking to a counselor or therapist about the situation. Not only will the sessions help you cope with any abuse you've been through, talking to someone else gives you an outside perspective into your relationship. Alternatively, consider joining a local support group for people who have been abused.

Dealing with domestic violence isn't easy, especially if it isn't the first occurrence. However, with some help and support, you can find the courage you need to leave your abuser or get the help needed for you and your partner to rebuild a healthy relationship.